Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Comments, formating, links


Comments are used for the text that helps you to write codes.
For example, it is very easy to modify your html code, once you wrote it, if at the end of every opening tag, you wrote comment where you made a statement what tag is closed.
Also you can write comment tag and set the code you don’t want to remove, but deactivate it, inside the comment. This way you can activate this code later.
You can set a comment to yourself somewhere in the code, perhaps if you want to change the code later…
And you can set a comment in a code, like a note, if you are working in a team, so that someone from the team opens the code, sees the note…

<!-- This is the comment -->

Some text
<!-- text that will not be displayed -->


Html uses tags. These are some tags that can be used for formatting:

<p> paragraph tag </p>
<b> bold text </b>
<em> italic text </em>
<strong> "strong" text </strong>
<i> italic text </i>
<sup> upper text </sup>
<sub> lower text </sub> 
<del> strikethrough text </del>
<code> code text </code>

We use this tags because it is possible to call them later in CSS.
Perhaps we have set the paragraph tag for all the texts on your page. You can later set in CSS that all the paragraphs will have size 9px and color blue.

-font size:

<font size="6"> font size 6</font>

Font sizes from 1-7

-text color:
-there are several ways to set the text color:

<font color="#770000">this text is hexacolored #770000</font>

using hexacolor

<font color="blue">this text is blue</font>

or using color name

-font type:

<font face="Bookman Old Style, Book Antiqua, Garamond">this paragraph has changed font </font>

-First letter:

<font size="5" face="Georgia, Arial" color="blue">F</font>irst letter

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