Friday, April 17, 2015

Keyword Research - Tools and Tips for search

Advanced search
After you search for a term on, above number of results you will find "Show Options" button and sub-menu with a lot of options. Among the options you will find option for "Related Searches". If you choose this option, you will be suggested terms and phrases by Google. You will also find a option "More like this" in order to find new suggestions related to this term. This option allows you to get deeper into keyword research and find adequate terms/phrases.

Keyword research

You can also use some programs that could help you with keyword research like traffic travis, market samurai, keyword spy, keyword elite micro niche finder, keyword country etc. Most of them are premium and paid, and some of them have limited "free" versions. Personally, I prefer simple research without programs involved, like explained in previous posts.

Local modifications
Modification of search for your needs is very important. You could define details like name of town, region, country or whatever suits you. If you are looking for reliable mechanic, you will not look for one from another state or town and keyword "mechanic" could lead you just there. If you enter "mechanic Oakland" you will find what you need. If USA is your targeted market, this local modification is very important for you.
Actually, you can get a lot of visits just with keywords that target locally.
One more suggestion. You do not have to offer local product or service to use local modifications. You use them to get visitors. If you use Adsense then it's perfect for you.

Update: GKT gives very bad results for locally modified keywords. When you research for keywords you will get different keyword variations, but very small amount of them with local modifications. In order to get proper keywords for local purposes you should use old and reliable keyword suggestion tool by Wordtracker.

Longtail Update
Longtails are phrases contained of 2 or 3 words. More words in phrase - smaller competition is, and demand for them is smaller, too. If you determine a lot of easy longtail phrases you could get significant amount of visitors.
You could use Keyword Questions Keyword Research Tool for research of longtail phrases. This tool will offer questions related to your term only. It's a great tool to recognize interests of people for your service/product/keyword and to find out how people found what they look for.

Buying Phrases
"Green Mountainbike" vs "Buy mountainbike". I think it's clear which one is buying phrase?
Buying phrases are often names of brands and products.
"Cellphones" is not buying keyword while "Samsung SGH500" could be good buying keyword.
Buy, Price, Cheap, Cost, Review are buying modifiers.

Keyword organizing
I usually use Notepad or Excel file. Notepad because it's simple and fast so I can copy or paste keyword ideas, while Excel is great for copying, sorting etc.
GKT offers you to export results as .txt .csv or .csv for excel formats. It's very useful option cause you can get up to 200 keywords/terms in GKT at same time, unmark "Use synonyms" and add "Don't show ideas for new keywords. I only want to see data about the keywords I entered." so  GKT will only give data for your keywords, without any suggestions. Download it to .csv file for Excel usage and you will have all keywords on one place.

Instead of the end

As time goes by, you will find KW Research much easier and clearer. After you gain some experience, you will be able to determine much easier what is possible and what's not, what is payable and what's not. One out of 10 niche you explore will match your criteria so you could find adequate solution for your website. I hope you understood importance of KW Research so rest of the job will be much easier to you.

Keyword Research - Competition

Let's get back to main keyword process. Let's say we gathered 50 keywords related to website content. Personally, I prefer a "one page full of content optimized for one keyword".  Now we should check on our competition for certain content and keyword terms.

Keyword research

Analyze competition
Like I explained in previous post, you determined 50 or however keywords for your webpage. Next task is to check how many results Google offers for each one of them. You can find approximate number of results on right corner of search. Now you enter every term on Google with quotes "". When you enter phrase with quotes, Google will only give you phrase match. It means that only that commanded "keyword" will be searched for.
If you want to find more about "cheap bikes" you should enter that with quotes and Google will inform you about number of pages with this phrase on it. If there is "cheap favorable bikes" mentioned somewhere, it will not be counted in results since order of words is changed.
This kind of research (with quotes) will help you to discover pages that target exact term as their keyword. Also, there is search that include title of webpage, when entering "allintitle". Google operator allintitle will tell you how many pages use keyword in title. Title is best on-page utility for SEO and it is desirable to use keyword that is mentioned in title.

When searching with allintitle: it looks like this
allintitle:your keyword           example allintitle:best hammers

you enter this on Google, search and see a number of results.

Even it's not crucial, you should also try to enter desired phrase without quotes and allintitle command. It will help you find out how many thousands or millions of results is there for that phrase. For example if you have 2 keywords and everything else is same in results, you should look for term that gives 500000 results rather than 5000000results.

When checking on competition always look first page of results. If there are results from Wikipedia, Amazon etc, it will be harder to rank for that exact keyword.

How many Google results should I aim for?
So far I have not explained exact numbers because they are relative for users. Someone who knows to run good SEO can aim for bigger goals and use keywords with high competition. To see what am I talking about I'll give you an example.
I've been advised to look for results in the range of 2000 results with Google allintitle: and 4000 results for Google with quotes. Keyword needs to fulfill both norms.

Someone who just started and have no big knowledge about SEO and link building should perhaps target to a maximum of 1000 results with allintitle: and 1000 or 2000 results with quotes. Of course, it's very hard to find those terms that will be searched for but no one said it's easy task. This is just a recommendation, you need to define keywords yourself.

Go to part 3

Keyword Research - How to find adequate keyword/term

When I started this blog, I didn't know I'd like this so much. Something that started as a hobby is turning to be a serious and often blogging. I'm very happy about it. Therefore, we should move focus from simple and basic info to one that could offer a really important knowledge for everyone. This is getting serious guys! These terms will be often mentioned in our next post:

Keyword = word or term you want to be ranked for
GKT / Google Adwords Keyword Tool =
Organic traffic = free traffic from Google search
Paid/PPC/Adwords traffic = traffic that is paid for
Search Volume = volume, number of search results
Note: and do not offer same results when searching. is used when you target USA and rest of the world as market.

Keyword research

Most important tool when using research is your brain. Other keyword tools are useful but not so important as common sense. Enter a term in Google and in first 20 results of search you will get a lot of ideas for keyword you want to use for your website/page. After that try AdWords Keyword Tool to get more info about keyword you determined. Also, when term you are looking for is more complex and important, you will see at the end of page "Searches related to". Only with Google used, we came to a list of ideas for possible keywords.
For every word from that list of 10-20 (or how much) keywords we'll have to do more serious and more detailed keyword research. Google Keyword Tool will give us 200 keywords max and we need to do research by ourselves after that. This process is called "drill down".
GKT have a possibility of researching terms and keywords related to certain website. After you do this, you will get ideas related for your page in very short amount of time. Each of those terms should be analyzed and researched particularly.

How to find best buy term/keyword?

When we reached another level of research and came to close words valuable for your website, we're now looking for basic keyword/phrase so called "best buy" phrase. It will get us best results with minimal efforts.
You may be able to find a good place for phrase that has a lot of Google entries monthly, but small players usually don't do that. Why not? Here are some reasons:

1. It may take one year to achieve something and you could rank for many easier keywords that will together get more visits than this one keyword.

2. More complex terms are often not "best buy" terms. People that search for this term are in surfing mood, not interested in buying. When someone search for a certain car model, bike or exact device, he is in a buying mood.
That is all for first post about research. We'll continue in next post with competition analyses and other subjects.

Go to Part 2

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Domain flipping

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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

What is domain?

Every website on Internet has its numerical address - IP address (for example but this waz to find desired website is not common to people. Therefore, people thought of easier way to mark website address and it is called domain name. For example, domain name is
Most of domains are paid and their price is in range between $8 and $15 per year. In one of my next posts, I will explain how this can become a serious business and that domains could worth a couple of hundreds, thousands and even millions of dollars.

what is domain?

What is TLD (Top Level Domain) ?

TLD is the last part of a domain name, those are letters that follow last dot in domain name. In our case TLD is com. Top level domains are divided into few categories but I'll only explain most important categories:

1. Most common are generic TLDs (gTLD) like, for example .com, .net, .org, .info etc so anyone can register almost any domain from this group (.gov, .edu, .travel etc could not be registered before completing certain conditions).
Here is a list of all TL domains :
2. There are also Top Level domains for country codes (ccTLD)which have 2 letters. For example uk is domain for UK, nl for Ntherlands etc.
Here is a list of all ccTLD:

When registering a domain you need to take care that length of name don't exceed 67 characters. You are allowed to use all English alphabet letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9) and you can use a dash (-) but not at the beginning of name and (www.- ...) and must not be used two times in a row (http://www.example--...). You can register domain on one to ten years period.

Few tips to select adequate domain:

1. Think about and research Top 5 keywords for your website. Those keywords should give info what your website is about. For example, our blog is about Internet, Photoshop, domains, HTML and CSS and many more subjects.
2. If possible, you should chose unique domain.
3. Select a domain name that is easy to remember and write. If you plan your website to gain popularity and visitors, this should be carefully considered. Avoid complicated words or terms!
4. Avoid dashes and numbers in your domain. Besides impressions that everyone have when looking at them, they disagree with tip no.3

8. Try to use main keyword in your domain name. It will help your website to be listed better for search engines, but I'll explain that in one of other posts, regarding SEO and optimization.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Facebook Like Box is history!

With the release of Graph API v2.3, the Like Box plugin is deprecated and will stop working on June 23rd 2015. Use the new Page Plugin instead. The Page Plugin allows you to embed a simple feed of content from a Page into your websites.

This information you will find on facebook developers page.

If you have a website, facebook like box was a very easy way to connect it with your Facebook page. You could set its width and height, and adjust it according to the desired place on your website. And it looked very effectively, with a small thumbnails of your page fans.

But this little plugin goeas to history!

What now?

There is a new plugin, called Page plugin. It works almost the same way. It consists of facebook cover photo, and little thumbnails from your page fans.
The Page Plugin lets you easily embed and promote any Facebook Page on your website. Just like on Facebook, your visitors can like and share the Page without having to leave your site.

Facebook Page plugin

How to embed?

Go to the facebook developer page and enter your facebook page url, set the width and height for the box, and check boxes if you want to hide cover photo, faces of your fans or to show page posts.
Then click on the get code button.

If you are using wordpress platform, from admin panel go to appearance/editor, and find header php in the left menu. Click on it and find the end of this file. At the end paste the first code you get on the facebook developers page.
The second code paste wherever you want the box to show. It is common to stand in the sidebar. From the admin panel go to appearance/widget, find text box and swipe it into the sidebar box. Paste here the second code.

How to make your Wordpress website work faster?

You probably already noticed that, after you add all plugins, set themes, articles and other stuff, Wordpress website starts slowing down, especially when number of visitors goes high. In this post, I will tell you more about how to speed up your blog/website, CMS platform, widgets etc.

Speed up your wordpress

Do you use cache plugin?

When talking about Wordpress optimization, this is basic. WP pluging with this function are actually caching content meaning that WP won't load database info every time (which slows down loading of site) but present cached and much faster version of website which doesn't need fully loading every time.
By my opinion, for this purpose you should use W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache. There are numerous plugins of this kind online and there are no big differences between them. All of them have same task - to cache content, but they could be different by abilities, speed and way they do this.


CDN (Content Delivery Network) is very important thing from a side of hosting of your website. CDN is a network of servers through which someone could access your website. It works on way that your content is located on few locations, so when user visits a website – data will be loaded and shown from nearest location where content is storaged. If server where data is located is closer to user, data will display faster. jsDelivr is free plugin that allows CDN for your Wordpress website.

Database optimization

Wordpress content is storaged in databas, so it is most important element that could affect speed of your website. Content is oftenly changed or deleted, comments are written, posts are created or edited so database is constantly updating and changing. And that could lead to  accumulating of unnecessary content. You can scan and optimize database with WP-Optimize plugin. Before you start database optimization, create a backup (copy) of it. This option is offered before process starts so if there are any errors in the process you can always use previous version using backup.

Number of plugins

Also, very important factor of speed is a number of installed plugins. More plugins you install, more time to load webpage. Minimize number of plugins and only use ones that you really need, those which you're not using - delete.

Reduce the size of CSS and JS

Big CSS and Javascript databases could affect loading speed additionally. Reduce the size of these databases with Better WordPress Minify plugin . It will automatically shrink of these documents.

Images are also significantly affecting speed of your website, so take care and optimize every image before you set it up on website. Also, you should always update Wordpress because every new version adds numerous improvements, from security and speed point of view.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What is RSS?

If you often use Internet, I'm sure that you added certain website or blog to the list of your favorite websites. You did this by using command "Add to Favorites" or "Bookmark This Page", depending on what browser you use.
RSS or Really Simple Syndication is a simple way to automatically download info from URLs which you like. Instead you individually visit websites in order to see if any updates have happened, you can use RSS for this purpose.
In this way, you will be informed about latest info or updates from desired website or blog without having to open whole URL page.
Two primary elements needed for RSS to work are:
1. RSS source - Blog or website that contains RSS feed. If blog or website supports RSS option, it will be marked with orange symbol (like on the photo). Most of blogs today (for example created in Wordpress or some other CMS) will have option of RSS, so it's available for using.
2. RSS reader - App for automatic recognizing and reading of RSS feed. When you locate source of news from which you would like to collect and read info in future, you'll need RSS reader. RSS readers are created so they could automatically find RSS feed from websites you selected before, so it will inform you about any changes made or updated info.
From the moment you install RSS reader, you will not have to visit desired blog (or blogs), since all new info will be collected and forwarded to you via RSS reader, and you will be able to read them on one place.

RSS icon

Advantages of using RSS:
Here are some of the most important advantages
- Saving time you would use for browsing and searching for info
- Signup without registration and email confirming
- All info updates are forwarded automatically
- No spam or hacker threats
- You can log out any time you want

RSS technique is useful for blogges, and for readers too. When used properly, RSS could be a good tool for updated info and great life-saver.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Is blog a real thing for you?

Why do I need a good blog? Before you start a blog, ask yourself is blogging real thing for you. Make sure to ask yourself and give answers to these questions.

1. Do you have fun while online?
Successful blog demands long-time commitment and focus and it will not stop when you publish a blog. On the contrary, that is exact moment when you start with promoting, visiting and reading other blogs and websites, tracking of articles and questions about same issues that your blog refers to.
Most of your blogging activities will take place online. If you want to be a successful blogger, you will have to enjoy reading, exploring, spending time on computer and surfing the web.

2. Do you like writing?
If you don't like writing and it doesn't come naturally in your case, maybe blogging isn't right thing for you. Building a successful blog requires everyday writing, answering to comments, leaving comments on other blogs, answreing to emails etc. Every each of those activities requires great amount of writing and you need to find yourself within it.

3. Are you passionate about blog theme?
Successful blogging requires orderly writing of new, meaningful posts about main post theme or some other, related theme. This is the only reason why you will attract new visitors, pay their attention and make them come back again. If you are only partionally interested in theme you are writing about, it will become harder and harder for you to write a new post or get new idea.

4. Can you devote to blogging?
Successful blogging requires commitment and great effort and time invested. Therefore, you need high level of self-discipline and motivation.
You got to find way how to mark blogging as scheduled everyday activity and stick to it.

5. Are you affraid of public announcing of your thoughts, ideas and thinkings?
As a blogger, you will often publish your thoughts or ideas, so whole blog community could aknowledge them. In order to attract big auditorium, you will have to share some of your thoughts or thinkings via Internet.
As such, bloggers could be affected by negative comments or responses to their posts. Sometimes, negative reviews could be painful. Successful blogger need to deal with them in positive manner and improve every day.

6. Are you affraid of tech development?
Blogging implies certain web and software knowledge. If you affraid of computer, writing a blog could not be right thing for you. Otherwise, if you are ready to learn new skills and blogging techniques - go on!
Blogging and Internet are variables and even most successful bloggers need to learn and improve their knowledge and blogs.

7. Would you take a risk?

A great part of successful blogging is related to taking a risk, from writing a first post, to first blog promotion and adding a links within posts. If you want to success in blogging, you will have to be ready to explore, self-motivate and enjoy job you're doing. Have a nice blogging day today!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

How to make your blog more visible and add traffic to it - PART 2

6. Create e-mail list
Email listings are best source for repeated visits to your blog. If you don't have email list, you need to create one and adjust it for your needs. Instead of someone visits your website and never comes back, you can invite visitor to sign up for your list and offer some benefits for that, free membership, comment etc. You can get 20, 30 visits from one person just by using this email listings.
7. Register on forums
Take some time to explore forums - places where you can register for free and meet other people with same interests. Even though you will not get visits in the beginning, if you are active commentator on forum, people will notice you and enquire about your profile and website you wrote in description or signature. You will get reputation on forum and you are free to promote your blog just by leaving comments on themes and threads. This is popularly known as "Forum marketing".
Here is what you need to do:
- Before you register on forum read terms of use
- Create free account
- Login and adjust setting on your profile
- Put link to your blog in "Signature"
- Give reliable and interesting information on forum and build reputation
- Do not put link in comments, that is signature meant for
- Do not SPAM forums!
8. Social networks
Social networks and Facebook especially could be great source for traffic to your blog. Create Facebook page if you want to collect likes, post articles you wrote on FB and get new visitors if you offer valuable content. Facebook has become necessity nowadays and with FB statistics you could actually follow and research for important details about visitors, best time for publishing articles etc. Also, you could pay small amount for post boost and create audience for your blog.
9. Leave a signature in emails
Most email platforms offer option of signature template. Enter URL of your blog so everyone could see you own a blog and visit it.

If you know any other direct method, feel free to comment or write me down. Hope I helped someone. Cheers!

How to make your blog more visible and add traffic to it - PART 1

During last 10 years or so, people are advised that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for web browsers should be their main focus in order to get visitors for their website/blog. Although SEO optimization is commonly used as basic tool for your website, you should also take a look at other ways you can improve traffic and get more daily visitors. At the same time, there are many discussions on blogs and forums about SEO efficiency and usefulness. Because of that, first 3 suggestions are just part of optimization that need to be done on your website in order to attract new visitors.

1. Writing unique content
I guess you've heard about self-written content thousand times before, but it is a necessity. If you can offer valuable info or interesting fact, you are more likely to attract random visitor that visited your blog for the first time. Also, he will return to your blog with knowledge about your blog and searching for new interesting content for him. It doesn't matter how you come up with original content - it can be article based on your experience or research, homemade video presentation,  testimonials of other people etc.
If your blog doesn't offer qualities from content, no one will share you on social networks, neither come back again to check your website. Keep this on your mind.
2. Ease of use
Before you orientate on attracting visitors to your page, make sure it is user-friendly and easy to use for customer. There are a lot of add-ons you can install to improve your website, and here are some of them:
  - Search field. Add search field to your website. If visitor wants to find something he read about earlier, or just want to see if you offer info about something, search field is very useful on your blog.
  - RSS. Set your RSS feed on top of the page, where everyone can see it. It can be crucial for some users.
  - Loading page time.  Make sure that your blog opens in no more than few seconds. Visitors often lose patience with websites that take too long to open.
  - Analytics. It is very important that you set free Google Analytics on your website. With it you can find out which article is most visited, what your visitors want to read about, and how much visitors you have every day, hour or month. It could help you if you want to improve your blog themes, their content and adjust some themes to reader's interest.
3. Number of visits
How much daily visits you want on your blog? In order to get more visitors on your blog, you need to set a task how many visitors will satisfy your needs. Make precise range in order to achieve it and then set a new, higher bar.
If you are selling or presenting certain product or service, you should create a basic plan about your blog and make corrections to it as time goes by.
4. Writing comments on other blogs
This is most valuable and effective way to get instant visitors. You should find blogs with similar subjects or threads and write a comment, remark or useful tip. In this way, you will easily recommend your website/blog, by giving value in answers or comments you posted.
5. Become guest writer on other blogs

If you become guest blogger which occasionally writes something on other blogs, it could give your website more popularity and visitors. You should contact blog owner and subject you are interested in, discuss possibility of writing a post on his blog and attract new visitors to your blog. Make sure you are competent enough for theme you are writing about.

part 2

Monday, March 23, 2015

How to protect your computer from viruses, worms, Trojan horses?

      It has become every day routine now. I receive email from a friend, classical spam message inviting me to visit some website or signup for specific contest or award competition. Many of my friends, not IT experts, do not even know their profiles have been hacked and misused. Hackers break into their emails, use them to send multiple emails with inappropriate or typical spam content. I decided to write this article for all those people who do not know how to protect themselves online.
      Before I start, you should know that Windows Operating Systems have many lapses and omissions by default. In this way, hackers use cracks in your system to break in and infect your device. We are all aware that there are many online services (online shopping, e-banking, forum and blog registration etc) which require registration process to be done in order to protect themselves and your privacy and info online. This is very sensitive area for any user since you need to enter personal info, credit card number or some detail about your life and work. Also, someone could send spam messages through your email without worries for himself and that could be a legal issue. Therefore, do not give personal info to third parties, keep details about your accounts (usernames and passwords) only for yourself. Also, take care about sites you are visiting. That is a basic rule of online security!
      Using of anti-virus software is necessity. If you are low on cash, use some of free anti-virus software such as AVG, Avast or Microsoft Essentials. You need to update software every now and then and your Windows need to be legal, also. Before you download anything from the web, make sure that your software scan document you downloaded. You should clean your device from spyware and key logger programs using SpyBoot or SUPER AntiSpyware software. SpyBoot is practical, simple software that will clean unnecessary cookies and temp files. After you install SpyBoot, it will scan all new files and programs that will be integrated in your system, so you can always check what's going on with your device.

      If your email's already been hacked, try changing your password on email account. Many users enter simple terms like "new123" or "123456" for passwords so they make hacker's task easy. I suggest that you use following technique when choosing your password. Select a sentence, for example "Today is the first day of the rest of my life". Now use first letter of every word and write down a new password "titfdotroml". In this way, you will always remember sentence you used for your password and you will have no issues using it as very strong and unbreakable. Also, do not use same password for all logins and registrations you need, but use different passwords for your accounts.
      If you are still having issues with your computer after you used anti-virus and cleaner, I suggest that you select important data from your device, move it to another partition or external device (backup) and run reinstall of your OS. You should also consider using Linux OS, because it is best known for its stability and  safety. Versions like Ubuntu are applied in many homes. Requirements are smaller, your device will work faster, you have all options like Windows user and you have automatically integrated OpenOffice system that have similar options to Microsoft Office. With Ubuntu OS you will outdo Windows, and you will have stabile OS without any worries for your security. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

New Wordpress users

If there are few users/admins of your Wordpress website, there is possibly need to setup priviliges for all of them. In this short tutorial, you will be able to create a new users for same WP page and assign abilities for all of them.

Adding new users

In order to add a new user in Wordpress, you need to go to Admin panel for your page. On the left side of admin panel you will find label Users, click and go to Add new.

New user window

You need to fill following fields:
- Username: You can put anything in this field, people often enter their nick (this is required field)
- E-mail: Enter your email (this is required field)
- First Name: Enter your name
- Last Name: Enter your last name
- Website: If there is another website you would like others to know, enter URL here
- Password: If you want your account to be secured and safe, enter strong password, which contains uppercase letters or numbers within characters (this is required field)
- Repeat Password: You need to enter your password here again and you will see how strong is it (this is required field)
- Send Password: If you mark this field, password will be sent to email you entered. This could be useful in case you forget or want to change password after some time
- Role: In this field you can determine which priviliges will this user have:

·         Subscriber: Can only manage his account or leave a comment

·         Contributor: User can write or edit articles/posts but he can't publish them. After publishing post, contributor could not edit it anymore. Also, he can not upload images or documents to the page

·         Author: Author can edit, publish or delete posts and, also, he can upload image or document

·         Editor: Editor can edit, publish or delete any post or page, approve or edit any comment, edit menus or categories, upload image or database

·         Administrator: All priviliges and abilities, including deleting of everything, customizing themes and menus etc.

This is all info needed to complete Add new user info. Before you create account for anyone, think carefully about his role, because any mistake could cost you very bad. As administrator, you can always change user info and priviliges in General settings.

Users can login to Wordpress page by adding /wp-admin to destinated page. For example

Thursday, March 5, 2015

How to create Wordpress website/blog - PART 1

1. Basics/Intro

We decided to write this article about Wordpress because we could not find anywhere on web kind of short tutorial or clear instructions how to create Wordpress site from beginning, at least not on same place. As you can find on our blog, WP is free CMS (Content Management System) which basic purpose is creating blogs, but with Wordpress you can create website, also.
When we started our first website (long time ago!) built with WP, it took a lot of time and effort to gather and implement all necessary information needed for installation and setup of basic settings. Of course, even today we find new useful information that can be used during the webpage building or upgrading so this WP area is kind of constant learning and information gathering.
Basic installation of Wordpress is not too complicated, but once you create page using Wordpress you always have some work to do on it with some adjustments, new ideas or software updates. Before Wordpress is being installed, you need basic conditions to be fulfilled (Internet domain and hosting provided). You need these conditions whether you use WP or some other CMS!

2. Domain

In order to create your webpage or blog you need domain, for sure. If you already have domain, you probably decided which section will your website cover and be about. If you want to buy a new domain it is always recommendable to use .com, .net, .org domains in that exact order. So it is highly recommendable that you use .com domain according to many forums and respectable blogs, because Google will be more friendly to your website. Nevertheless, the most important thing is how you popularize your website and have a lot of visitors, whatever your domain is called.
To conclude, in order to buy a domain you need to go to one of domain registers online and buy it. For example visit Go Daddy or Name.

3. Hosting

This step is also very important step when creating any webpage - to select good hosting service depending on what traffic you expect and what content will website offer. If you are not sure what level will your website reach you can always transfer it to another server. Transfer procedure is very simple and it includes backup of MySQL database and all databases on your hosting, so it can be easily transferred to different hosting. About hosting - if you create a new page best option is to start with shared hosting. That means you share resources of your hosting with other pages on that same hosting. On the other hand, if you plan serious website with a lot of traffic through it, you should acquire personal hosting and all of your data and pages will be located on server with unique IP address. Roughly, it costs at least 80$ per month in case you can maintain server by yourself or price can be doubled if you need web administrator to run maintance on your, dedicated server.
You can choose between a lot of companies that offer shared hosting services, for example Go Daddy or Hostgator. We do not advertize these companies, just mentioning some that provide hosting services. You can find any company you want, match their prices and choose adequate one. You can even go and find free hosting for your website (for example 000webhost) but this is not an option if you are interested in creating relevant website.
Most important thing about hosting is that you do not select cheapest hosting necessarily. First explore (use Google) service you want acquire and then choose right one. Search forums and blogs about this topics, read user reviews before you do anything that could have serious consequences for your website.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Wordpress installation (step by step)

Note that this step will describe how to manually install WP on the server, although there are some applications that can automatically do this for you, if web hosting companies over which you have rented hosting has activated this option. (An example is Fantastico).
To manually install Wordpress on the server, you must be connected to the server via an FTP client. There are a lot of different FTP clients and some of them are FileZilla and WinSCP. WinSCP has a useful option that you can edit any file located on the server and modify the code directly to the files stored on the server. So the procedure is to connect to the server with the supplied username, password and port. Under host name you enter
It's time to take off (unzipp) Wordpress website which you previously downloaded to your hard drive.

Once you are connected via FTP client, you need to upload the unzipped wordpress files from wordpress main folder to a directory of your website (usually public_html).

After all files have been uploaded, you need to access your domain through your web browser. The first window will appear. Here just choose the language of the wordpress.

After this step, the window will appear with the items you need to know before starting the installation. Those items are; Database name, Database username, Database password, Database host and Database prefix.
In a case that you dont know what this is, follow the next steps.

First login to your cPanel and go to MySQL databases. Create new database, and remember it, it will be your Database name. Add new user, it will be your Database user name, the password you enter here will be your Database password. Add the user you created to the database you created for this wordpress installation, and grant all privilegies for this user. And thats it. Return to the wordpress installation and click on the button Let`s go!

In the next window just fill in the asked information. So enter your Database name, Database username and Database password. For the Database host, enter localhost, and for the Database prefix enter wp_.

Now the installation of wordpress starts. You need to enter the title you want for your website. User name and password that you enter here will be used to enter the admin panel later when you install your wordpress. Enter your emal, so the wordpress can contact you when someone leave comment, or if you forget password. Click to allow search engines to index your website.

Congratullations, you have installed wordpress!

Now log in, choose your theme, create your posts, create pages and share it with your friends or with everyone! 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

HTML basics

First of all, we have to know what is a html
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language
It is a labguage which describes a web page. You can set the parameters for documents, images position, text height, background color, text color.

HTML is simply textual code which is made of explanations for the browser, how to open and show that page. These explanations can be set with the tags that must be written inside the brackets <code>. Here is the example:

This is the <b> bold </b> parameter for the text in web page.

It will look like this :
This is the bold parameter for the text in web page.

These textual codes are easy to write or edit in any text editor, even in your windows notepad. But there are some editors that can help you, notepad++ is a very helpful one, because it visually makes it easier to you to see where is the beginning and the end of the code you are editing.

If you find this complicated, you can use some of editors which can make you easier to you to place the design in a way you want without knowing html codes. Some tools you need are Dreamweaver and Frontpage. These editors are so-called WYSIWYG, which means What You See Is What You Get

Let me say that although you don’t need to know any html to work in these WYSIWYG tools, it is still of great importance to know html language, so you can edit the code and place the design in more accurate way.
Every html page you make, must have .html or .htm extension. This way browsers recognize your pages, and show them in a way you want.

After you create your web page, you need a web hosting, your domain and a FTP program.

Web hosting is a physical place (hard drive) which is connected with the internet all the time using some server configuration.

Domain name is also important. It points someone who write it in a browser to your web page. Once you buy it, you have to set nameservers on it, which connects domain name with your hosting.

FTP program lets you easily move your web pages you create from your computer to your hosting.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Elements & Attributes

Elements in html

There are three elements every html consists of:

  1. Opening tag
  2. Element
  3. Closing tag

<title>my page</title>
my text

It should look like this:

This text is bold

This text is bold


·         Html
·         Head
·         Title
·         Body

With this element should start every web page

This tag should take place inside the head tag
Browser don’t show the elements in this tag, but these elements are very important for browsers and search engines. Here will stand the title tag, description tag…

This element consists of the title of your web page, and as stated before, is very important for the web browsers.
This element takes place inside of the head tag.

Tis element consists of other elements which makes the page, so everything inside will be shown in the browsers.



Html attributes are used to set attributes for elements. There are several attributes, and some of them are:

·         Class or ID attribute
·         Name attribute
·         Title attribute
·         Align attribute
·         Valign attribute

Class or ID atribut

These attributes are here to set points that we will call later in CSS file, and set styling for each.
So if we have class attribute for post, we will set in CSS its background, font color, post title color and size, text size, image width… So in html we just set tag: <div class=”post”>, write text, set image, set title…

Name attribute
Name attributes are assigned to set name for something, for example for the text field:

Name: <input type="text" name="name">
Last name: <input type="text" name="last name">

Title attribute

This attribute gives the tittle of the segment you are writing:

<p title="Learning html">This is my text</p>

Now you have set tittle for the text “this is my text” which is visible. When you take your mouse pointer over this text, little pop up will show text “Learning html”.

Align attribute

Align attribute is used for setting text position, image position…

<p align="center">Text</p>
<p align="left"> Text </p>
<p align="right"> Text </p>

This way we pushed second line of text to the left, centered first line, and pushed third line to the right.

Valign attribute

This attribute is the same as the align attribute, but defines vertical allignement in tables.

<table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td height="307" valign="bottom" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">text </td>