Advanced search
After you search for a term on, above number of
results you will find "Show Options" button and sub-menu with a lot
of options. Among the options you will find option for "Related
Searches". If you choose this option, you will be suggested terms and
phrases by Google. You will also find a option "More like this" in
order to find new suggestions related to this term. This option allows you to
get deeper into keyword research and find adequate terms/phrases.
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Keyword research |
You can also use some programs that could help you with keyword
research like traffic travis, market samurai, keyword spy, keyword elite micro
niche finder, keyword country etc. Most of them are premium and paid, and some
of them have limited "free" versions. Personally, I prefer simple
research without programs involved, like explained in previous posts.
Local modifications
Modification of search for your needs is very important. You
could define details like name of town, region, country or whatever suits you.
If you are looking for reliable mechanic, you will not look for one from
another state or town and keyword "mechanic" could lead you just
there. If you enter "mechanic Oakland" you will find what you need.
If USA is your targeted market, this local modification is very important for
Actually, you can get a lot of visits just with keywords
that target locally.
One more suggestion. You do not have to offer local product
or service to use local modifications. You use them to get visitors. If you use
Adsense then it's perfect for you.
Update: GKT gives
very bad results for locally modified keywords. When you research for keywords
you will get different keyword variations, but very small amount of them with
local modifications. In order to get proper keywords for local purposes you
should use old and reliable keyword suggestion tool by Wordtracker.
Longtail Update
Longtails are phrases contained of 2 or 3 words. More words
in phrase - smaller competition is, and demand for them is smaller, too. If you
determine a lot of easy longtail phrases you could get significant amount of
You could use Keyword Questions Keyword
Research Tool for research of longtail phrases. This tool will offer
questions related to your term only. It's a great tool to recognize interests
of people for your service/product/keyword and to find out how people found
what they look for.
Buying Phrases
"Green Mountainbike" vs "Buy
mountainbike". I think it's clear which one is buying phrase?
Buying phrases are often names of brands and products.
"Cellphones" is not buying keyword while
"Samsung SGH500" could be good buying keyword.
Buy, Price, Cheap, Cost, Review are buying modifiers.
Keyword organizing
I usually use Notepad or Excel file. Notepad because it's
simple and fast so I can copy or paste keyword ideas, while Excel is great for
copying, sorting etc.
GKT offers you to export results as .txt .csv or .csv for
excel formats. It's very useful option cause you can get up to 200
keywords/terms in GKT at same time, unmark "Use synonyms" and add "Don't
show ideas for new keywords. I only want to see data about the keywords I
entered." so GKT will only give
data for your keywords, without any suggestions. Download it to .csv file for
Excel usage and you will have all keywords on one place.
Instead of the end
As time goes by, you will find KW Research much easier and
clearer. After you gain some experience, you will be able to determine much
easier what is possible and what's not, what is payable and what's not. One out
of 10 niche you explore will match your criteria so you could find adequate
solution for your website. I hope you understood importance of KW Research so
rest of the job will be much easier to you.